Our Company: Barbizon
Brand Promise: The Barbizon experience is about discovering what makes you special, and developing your one-of-a-kind “star” quality for the whole world to see. Our expert modeling and acting training, along with life-skills instruction, will give you the confidence and tools to shine for a lifetime.
Review: I am very proud of my company's website. It is user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing. It is fun, young, and very informative. In the San Francisco office, specifically, the motto is "Be a model or just look like one." The website has quizzes for people to take, different videos and testimonials from alumni, success stories and a lot of photographs to show proof, and we are raffling off a $100 000 college scholarship to students/potential customers. The company is definitely very credible in the eyes of customers because of the thorough and amount of information we have on the website. The fact that we have been around for a long time also establishes that we have had a huge amount of success in the entertainment industry. Anybody can take our classes, which relates back to our brand promise of "developing your one-of-a-king star quality." We look for people who are different, unique, and do not discriminate. Anybody can take our classes and find his/her own unique star quality.
Revised Brand Promise:
The Barbizon experience is about discovering what makes you special, and developing your one-of-a-kind “star” quality for the whole world to see. Our affordable expert modeling and acting training for children and adults, along with life-skills instruction, will give you the confidence and tools to shine. Relationship with Barbizon is a relationship for a lifetime.
Revision Explanation:
I revised the brand promise a little bit from the original one. I think it is more aimed towards showing support, affordability, and a lifetime relationship with Barbizon. We want to gain the trust of customers, and showing them that they are special and will gain skills for life are doing just that.